Daniel J. Powell Jr., PhD • 2024 SITC Election

Daniel J. Powell, Jr., PhD

Daniel J. Powell, Jr., PhD

Daniel J. Powell, Jr., PhD
University of Pennsylvania


Dr. Powell received his PhD in Immunology from Thomas Jefferson University and performed his post-doctoral training at the National Cancer Institute with Dr. Steven A. Rosenberg in the Surgery Branch where he helped discover associations between T cell differentiation & persistence and response to adoptive TIL therapy. He is now Professor of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania with more than 20 years of experience in basic and translational tumor immunology. At PENN, he has developed a cutting-edge immunobiology and therapy program for gynecologic cancers, where he serves as Scientific Director of Immunotherapy for the Division of Gynecologic Oncology.

His research program focuses on fundamental studies of the immunobiology of human ovarian cancer and the development of innovative immunotherapeutic strategies including cancer vaccination, immunomodulation, and adoptive immunotherapy using selected and/or engineered TILs as well as CAR T cells. His seminal study of T cell phenotype and function in patients responding to adoptive cell therapy, which demonstrated that T cell persistence and differentiation status are major limiting factors to successful adoptive cell therapy, is now a well-established tenet in the field. Studies from the Powell lab have also illustrated the validity of CD137 as a robust biomarker for naturally-occurring tumor-specific TILs in human cancer, defined a role for the CD27 costimulatory molecule in human T cell memory formation, and pioneered the development of “switchable” universal immune receptors for multivalent T cell therapy. He serves on academic and industry scientific advisory boards and is chair for the NCI’s Cellular Immunotherapy for Cancer (CII) Study Section.

He is a devoted member of SITC who has made several impactful contributions to the society. He is director of SITC’s Education and Training Committee and is responsible for informing and vetting education, training and other outreach activities in support of the society.  He is an organizer of SITC’s Cancer Immunotherapy Winter School, an educational program tailored to early-to-mid career scientists and clinicians in the field of cancer immunotherapy. He also routinely serves as faculty mentor for SITC’s Sparkathon program. He is a member of the Cell Therapy Committee, which addresses hurdles related to opportunities for regulatory consensus and efficiencies, understanding and enhancing product efficacy, solid tumor cell therapy, and host factors. Finally, he routinely serves as SITC representative or presenter at various national or international partnering conferences including AAI, ASCB, FIT Cancer V and ASCO.

SITC Election Platform Statement

What are the two or three critical issues facing the field of cancer immunotherapy?

1. Support for the next generation of cancer immunotherapy researchers:

Establishing a diverse and well-trained workforce is critical to advancing scientific knowledge and innovation, particularly in the field of cancer immunotherapy. To expedite and expand the impact of cancer immunotherapy, SITC can play a lead role fostering a strong and successful workforce through education and training of individuals who are entering the cancer immunotherapy field; research grants and awards for early-stage investigators; various research fellowship opportunities; mentorship programs; networking opportunities; diversity and inclusion initiatives; and public outreach and engagement. Investment in the next generation of researchers will help ensure a bright future for cancer research and accelerate progress towards better treatments and cures for cancer.

2. Funding for cancer immunotherapy research:

Funding for cancer immunotherapy is crucial for advancing research in this promising field and improving outcomes for cancer patients. As the leader in cancer immunotherapy, SITC is uniquely positioned to educate and inform various funding agencies about the potential for cancer immunotherapy to revolutionize cancer treatment. SITC can raise awareness about the importance of cancer immunotherapy and its potential to save lives by sharing information about recent breakthroughs in immunotherapy research and success stories of patients who have benefited from these treatments. We can engage officials and policymakers to advocate for increased funding for cancer immunotherapy research by writing letters, making phone calls, and scheduling meetings to discuss the importance of investing in innovative approaches to cancer treatment. By advocating for increased funding for cancer immunotherapy, SITC can help accelerate research progress, expand access to innovative treatments, and ultimately improve outcomes for cancer patients worldwide.

3. Making cell therapy more accessible:

Making cell therapy accessible is crucial for ensuring that patients can benefit from these innovative treatments. Some strategies to do so include reducing costs, advocating for insurance coverage, increasing awareness of clinical trial opportunities and reducing barriers to participation, and investing in infrastructure for cell therapy manufacturing and delivery. SITC can play a role by helping to streamline regulatory processes for cell therapy approvals by working with regulatory agencies to establish clear guidelines for the development and approval of cell therapy treatments, with a focus on ensuring patient safety while expediting access to innovative therapies. Through its committees, programs and partnerships, SITC can also help foster collaboration between countries and regions to improve access to cell therapy on a global scale by providing a platform for sharing best practices, harmonizing regulatory standards, and collaborating on research and development efforts to ensure that cell therapy treatments are accessible to patients worldwide.

What is Your Vision for SITC?

I have a strong vision for the Society for Immunotherapy of Cancer (SITC) and its role in advancing the field of cancer immunotherapy. I see SITC continuing to provide global leadership, education and training, knowledge exchange and expertise sharing, initiatives and outreach, recognition of key contributions and breakthroughs, and a visionary and pivotal role in the field of cancer immunotherapy. This vision underscores the importance of SITC in driving progress in cancer immunotherapy, fostering collaboration and innovation, and ultimately improving outcomes for cancer patients. It reflects a commitment to excellence, leadership, and the continued advancement of the field to realize its full potential in revolutionizing cancer treatment.