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The quality of the journal could not be sustained without the efforts of our dedicated reviewers.

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Get to Know JITC's Leadership

JITC is pleased to welcome Michael T. Lotze, MD as the journal's new Editor-in-Chief. He is working with Interim Editor-in-Chief, James L. Gulley, MD, PhD, FACP, throughout 2024 as leadership is transferred. In addition, Sjoerd H. van der Burg, PhD has been promoted to Deputy Editor-in-Chief after a tremendous year of support in an interim capacity in 2023. Read more about this phenomenal group of leaders. 

Get the chance to meet these editors at conferences throughout the year. From Barcelona, Spain to San Diego, CA, our editors will be available to meet with you and learn about your research. Check back for more information on Meet-the-Editor opportunities in 2024. 

JITC Awards

Together with SITC, the journal recognizes key contributors to the journal and field of cancer immunotherapy, both in leadership and in research.

Annual JITC Best Paper Awards celebrate excellence in scientific research and are awarded to researchers demonstrating leadership in the field as well as innovation and high-quality execution and discussion in their manuscripts.

The Pedro J. Romero, MD Service to JITC Award recognizes an individual who has made significant contributions and demonstrated outstanding commitment to the journal.

APC Discounts

As a way to thank the SITC members who work tirelessly to advance the science and improve the lives of cancer patients, SITC will provide members with a 25 percent discount on Article Processing Charges (APCs) for all accepted JITC articles submitted in 2025. This discount is applied post-acceptance, at which point a discount code is shared with the corresponding author. 

JITC also offers full waivers for the full APC (100% discount of the APC) where all authors are based in low-income countries (see policy). Requests for waivers must be made prior to submission. 

For additional information regarding these discounts, as well as institutional arrangements and editor/reviewer discounts, view the journal's APC policy. Additional questions may be directed to JITCEditor@sitcancer.org.

Highly Accessed Articles

What is the article Altmetric Attention Score?

Altmetric_Score_donut.pngIndicated below by a circular image near the author listings, the Altmetric Attention Score for research outputs provides an indicator of the amount of attention an article has received. The score is derived from an automated algorithm and represents a weighted count of the amount of attention picked up for a research output. Learn more here.

Novel tri-specific T-cell engager targeting IL-13Rα2 and EGFRvIII provides long-term survival in heterogeneous GBM challenge and promotes antitumor cytotoxicity with patient immune cells

Article has an altmetric score of 139
Daniel H Park, Pratik S Bhojnagarwala, Kevin Liaw, Devivasha Bordoloi, Nicholas J Tursi, Shushu Zhao, Zev A Binder, Donald O’Rourke and David B Weiner


Integrating binding affinity and tonic signaling enables a rational CAR design for augmented T cell function

Markus Barden, Patrick Ronan Elsenbroich, Vivian Haas, Moritz Ertelt, Philip Pervan, Lukas Velas, Bence Gergely, Árpád Szöőr, Dennis Christoph Harrer, Valerie Bezler, Astrid Holzinger, Rasmus Ulslev Wegener Friis, Gyorgy Vereb, Gerhard J Schütz, Clara T Schoeder, Andreas A Hombach and Hinrich Abken

High peripheral T cell diversity is associated with lower risk of toxicity and superior response to dual immune checkpoint inhibitor therapy in patients with metastatic NSCLC

Article has an altmetric score of 15Mehmet Altan, Ruoxing Li, Ziyi Li, Runzhe Chen, Ajay Sheshadri, Hai T Tran, Latasha Little, Joshua Baguley, Jefferson Sinson, Natalie Vokes, Saumil Gandhi, Mara B Antonoff, Stephen G Swisher, Greg Lizee, Alexandre Reuben, John V Heymach and Jianjun Zhang


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