Benefits, Categories & Application


The Society for Immunotherapy of Cancer (SITC) is the world’s leading member-driven society dedicated to professionals working in the field of cancer immunotherapy. It is SITC's mission to improve cancer patient outcomes by advancing the science, development and application of cancer immunology and immunotherapy through our core values of interaction/integration, innovation, translation, leadership and diversity and inclusion in the field.

Member CategoriesMember BenefitsApplication Requirements Join/Renew

Membership Information

Membership Term

SITC membership terms span January 1 through December 31. Membership dues are paid annually and cover the calendar year.

SITC membership dues are nonrefundable and non-transferable.

Developing Economy Rate

If you are a researcher, clinician or student in a non-Industry/Biotech setting, and you reside and work/study in a developing economy according to the World Bank, you may be eligible for zero-cost annual SITC dues and programming.


To join or renew your SITC membership, click here.

If you have questions about becoming a SITC member, email the society at or call +1 414-271-2456.

Member Categories



Regular membership is open to those individuals who have an MD or PhD in a biological science or the equivalent and are active, bona fide representatives of the international scientific community with a specialty or interest in a field related to cancer immunotherapy or tumor immunology. Additionally, Regular membership is open to PharmDs, Nurses and Advanced Practice Providers in advanced research or clinical roles. These individuals may also qualify for Nurse and Advanced Practice Provider Membership (see below). Regular members have full membership rights and privileges, including, without limitation, the right to vote and serve as officers on the board of directors of the society.

Become a regular member

Affiliate membership


Affiliate membership is open to those individuals not eligible for other classes of membership but who are otherwise active or otherwise interested in cancer immunotherapy or tumor immunology. Affiliate members may attend all meetings open to other classes of membership and participate in scientific discussions and activities open to other classes of membership. Affiliate members do not have voting rights and may not hold office or serve on the board of directors.




Allied Health membership is open to those individuals employed in allied health positions in the field of cancer immunotherapy or tumor immunology or related fields, including patient care, in a technical or administrative capacity, or work in research laboratories. Examples include dietitians, oncology educators, oncology social Workers, research coordinators and the like. Allied Health membership does not have voting rights and may not hold office or serve on the board of directors.




Emeritus membership is open to those individuals who are regular members and have attained the age of 70 years and have been regular members for 10 years or longer. Under circumstances deemed appropriate by the board of directors, the requirement of an age of 70 years for transfer to emeritus status may be waived. Emeritus members shall retain all rights and privileges of active membership, including voting rights, except that emeritus members may not hold office or serve on the board of directors. Emeritus members shall be exempt from payment of dues.


Nurse and Advanced Practice Provider MEMBERSHIP


Nurse and Advanced Practice Provider membership is open to those individuals who are trained, licensed and/or otherwise employed as registered nurses, nurse practitioners, physician assistants in the field of cancer immunotherapy or tumor immunology or related fields and are involved in patient care, in a technical or administrative capacity, or work in research laboratories. Nurse and Advanced Practice Provider membership shall not have voting rights and may not hold office or serve on the board of directors. Individuals who qualify for the Nurse and Advanced Practice Provider membership category may apply for regular membership should they wish to have full voting and election privileges.

Become a Nurse and Advanced Practice Provider member

patient and patient advocate memberSHIP


Patient and Patient Advocate membership is open to those individuals who are undergoing or have undergone treatment involving, or who otherwise have an interest in or experience with, cancer immunotherapy. Patient and Patient Advocate members must have a demonstrated commitment to patients and furthering the field of cancer immunotherapy or tumor immunology. Patient and Patient Advocate membership shall not have voting rights and may not hold office or serve on the board of directors. One complimentary patient advocate membership is extended per qualifying non-profit patient advocacy organization. Additional staff may join at a rate of $50 annual dues.

become a patient or patient advocate member

PHARMACIST membership


Pharmacist membership is open to those individuals hold a PharmD or equivalent degree and are licensed with a specialty or interest in a field related to cancer immunotherapy or tumor immunology. Pharmacist membership shall not have voting rights and may not hold office or serve on the board of directors. Individuals who qualify for the Pharmacist membership category may apply for regular membership should they wish to have full voting and election privileges.


student & Scientist-in-training memberSHIP


Student and Scientist-in-Training membership is open to those individuals who are enrolled in academic programs and are seeking to attain degrees in a scientific or medical-related field. This includes candidates for advanced degrees (e.g. MD, PhD, PharmD, etc.) with a demonstrated interest in cancer immunotherapy or tumor immunology. In addition, Student and scientist-in-training membership shall also be open to individuals who are participating in post-doctoral fellowships and residency programs. Student and Scientist-in-Training members shall not have voting rights and may not hold office or serve on the board of directors.

become a student member

Member Benefits

Whether seeking to expand your professional network, receive discounted rates to exemplary meetings, stay current with the field via SITC meeting presentations or more, a SITC membership provides value to all experience levels.

Exclusive Access and Savings to SITC Live Events >

Personal and Professional Advancement Opportunities >

Education Resources and Savings >

Annual Funding and Awards Opportunities >

Keeping You Informed >

  • FDA cancer immunotherapy approval confirmation emails
  • Scientific meeting coverage emails
  • Quarterly SITC policy e-newsletter
*Regular Members eligible to serve. Regular and Emeritus Members eligible to vote.
**Available only when ordering from Demos Medical Publishing. Cannot be combined with any other offers.


Application Requirements

To apply for SITC membership, the following information must be submitted as part of the application process.

Regular, affiliate, allied health, nurse, patient advocate and pharmacist applicants require:
Curriculum vitae or résumé

Student applicants require:
Yearly proof of attendance (letter of offer, student id, transcripts)
Letter of recommendation or curriculum vitae